Leading dedicated individuals to a healthier future



Meal On Me is a lifestyle program focused on empowering families to take charge of their health. It is a mixture of dining and hands-on educational cooking experiences with tips for smart food shopping that promote nutritionally-balanced meals when preparing similar options at home.



M.O.M includes alimental shopping, cooking, and dining by gifting educational experiences to people that are active in their church, school or work community. Our goals are:


To encourage a holistic lifestyle among member families


To educate families about the social, environmental, and health consequences of their food choices


To foster food literacy by providing guidance on how to make healthy food choices 


To teach cooking skills through personal interaction and sessions with personal chefs


 “Strengthening families means strengthening communities.”

- Erwin Caesar / Founder



The Meal On Me program initially kicked off in September 2014 when founder, Erwin Caesar, launched and engaged support from Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams and the Interfaith Hospital. In October 2014, Emmanuel Baptist Church sponsored a family of four who had an interest in healthy eating and cooking. Working with local government officials, nonprofits, and businesses to identify families who can benefit from M.O.M, the organization started building a pipeline of families and financial supporters.


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